If you are a person looking for quality in life, you're at the right address. Go on and explore this site. May it help you grow from day to day. Don't try so hard, let it go and it will come! I know what I'm saying. Being a perfectionist, I've always tried hard. Did it help me? I don't know. Being headstrong made me never give up. It may be good, it may be bad. Who can tell. But there's one thing I have learned (and still am learning) and that is to let go... Let go of all your expectations. If not there will be many frustrations!
The two main languages on this site are English and Dutch; the last one being my mothertongue.
My website has one purpose: help you enjoy your life. There are three categories on this website. First you'll find more personal things, like songs, poems, sayings,... that I love and think you will enjoy too. Second, you'll find general things about psychological health (which will of course have an effect on your physical well-being too). The third category is a reservoir of miscellaneous things.
gecreëerd op 16 juni 2000 / recentste update: 31 mei 2013
General and cultural enjoyments |
Psychological well-being
If you've got any suggestions concerning beautiful books, movies, poems,... or my website in general, you are invited to contact me. You can also make my day by leaving some words in the guestbook. I always return the visit.
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