
I'm SO proud of my awards! I appreciate these recognitions very much! Many thanks to all those who have honored me with their awards!

I've removed broken links (when I failed to find the new place through Google). Please let me know when your website moves to another place or make a page which refers to the new place, so I and many others may still be able to visit your website.

Received on 29 Sept. 2000

Received on 3 Oct. 2000

Received on 3 Oct. 2000

Received on 3 Oct. 2000

Received on 3 Oct. 2000

Received on 9 Oct. 2000

Received on 12 Oct. 2000

Received on 15 Oct. 2000

Received on 17 Oct. 2000

Received on 3 Nov. 2000

More awards on page 2


Backgrounds By Marie