Let's talk about... death
In loving memory of Thijs.It is an old belief Author unknown![]()
Introduction: why this subject?Eros and Thanatos, love and death are the two big themes, in life, in literature, art,...
Human beings are afraid of death. It is related to the fear of the unknown. Thé question is: Is there life after death?
I used to be firmly convinced that there is nothing after death. This made me very afraid and desperate. I remember that as a child sometimes, while lying in my bed, I suddenly realised there would come a day that I wouldn't exist anymore. It was such a big and horrible thing to think about. I called my mother for comfort, but what else could she do than say that I was still young and it was not yet my time to go. I pushed my fear away, but it could pop up any time. Around December 1999 my fear came back in huge proportions. I know that you mustn't ignore your fears, but face them. I had a very hard time for about half a year. I was desperate. I thought that I would never enjoy life again. Death was always on my mind. The thoughts kept turning in my head. I saw no salvation, 'cause the only thing that would save me is to know that I didn't have to die. Eventually, after a hard struggle, I found something that brought me some peace of mind: spirituality. I read about near-death experiences, contact with deceased people,... There are amazing examples which can't be explained rationally, for example friends who promised each other that they would give a certain sign after their death and the one of the two who died first did give that sign.
I haven't talked much about death with my surroundings, although I sometimes have felt the need to. I just keep my mouth, because I think that people don't want to hear about that unpleasant subject. People don't want to be reminded of their finiteness. It makes you feel small and your acts seem pointless. But why not talk about it? It is something which we will all be going through. Everyone of us has lost friends and family and there are many more to come. And one day it will be our turn.
Positive contact with the deceasedOn October 11 2001, I went to a lecture about positive contact with the deceased. I learned a lot that evening and it seemed to me worth the while to share some of the things said.
I will now summarize some points which struck me at the lecture, most of which were new to me and which are very valuable and comforting. *When you are confronted with death, you are going to live much intenser. *It is very important to be there for people who have just lost somebody. Words are less important. Your presence, here and now, is of the greatest value. *People who are going to die, have a widened conscience. They are very sensitive. They know how you feel, even before you have entered the room. Mind that it may be painful for them when you talk about the heritage with others. Even when you are not in the same room as the dying person, they can still perceive what is going on. *Touching the body of the deceased, for example when washing it, can help you with the mourning process. *Keeping watch over a corpse is a gift! You receive a lot from the deceased person. But you also can give support to that person. *Someone who has died, is very sensitive for your feelings, much more than for your thoughts. Deceased friends or relatives care about you and find it terrible when they see you sad. The greatest wish they have, is to let you know that they still live. But often times they can't, because they are no experts in the new world. *Dying people sleep a lot, just as babies do. *A big ideal in our society is independence. Dying teaches us to give ourselves up to others. We learn to honor the child within ourselves again. It is the road of vulnerability. *It is important to be close to your own body and emotions, to get to know them. It stimulates the unity between body and soul and it will help you dying. It makes the transition more easy. It contributes to a natural death. *A dying person often needs the consent of his surroundings to die. When the loved ones cling thight to the dying person, it is more difficult for that person to leave this world. That's why people often die exactly that moment when you are not there. So don't feel guilty when you were not there when your loved one died. In your absence he or she had the chance to leave. A movie which Philippe Vandevorst warmly recommended, is Shadowlands. *There are three kinds of connection with the deceased:
*You can learn to build up a new relationship with the deceased through contact of the soul. This can be obtained through meditation. It helps in the mourning process. But pay attention! The first months after someone has died, you should try to let them go and don't search contact with them, so that their journey to the other world isn't disturbed. *90% of the deceased choose to be present at their funeral. *In our sleep we keep contact with the others. *In the period November-March it is easier to die or to have contact with the deceased, because in this period the two dimensions lie closer to each other. So seasons play a part. *When you are dead, you are free to choose your appearance. People often choose the one they had in the period of their lives when they were most happy. *Don't force contact with the deceased. It won't work. Just let go and be open. *The first six weeks after someone died, you should send him/her lots of light and love. Burn candles, go to church, to his/her tomb,... *The deceased can't change us, it is up to us. *The sensitivity to experience the spiritual world is not a talent or gift. Anyone can learn it. *On an astral level you can communicate with everyone. So language is no obstacle anymore. ![]()
Sayings & quotations concerning life and deathRemember, friends, as you pass by,
epitaph from a headstone in Ashby, MassachusettsDeath is not the opposite of life. Death is the opposite of birth. Life has no opposite. Life is eternal. Life is consciousness itself. So, it’s not life and death. It’s Birth and Death. Eckhart TolleThere’s no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. George SantayanaYour attitude towards death determines how you look at life. Origin unknownWhen you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. (author unknown)Once you accept your own death, Saul AlinskyAnd death shall have no dominion. Dylan ThomasJe kiest niet hoe je gaat sterven. Of wanneer.
Joan BaezDe test voor moed is vaak niet het sterven, maar het leven. Vittorio AlfieriDoe geen dingen om niet te sterven -
Bernie S. SiegelHet leven is de jeugd van onze onsterfelijkheid. GoetheDe dood betekent dat alles van je wordt afgenomen Eckhart TolleMijn moeder zei altijd dat er geen pijn of verdriet zo groot is, of het gaat voorbij. Op aarde is niets grenzeloos of eindeloos. Geen enkele misère, geen enkele nachtmerrie. Isabel Hoving. De gevleugelde kat (462)'Ik heb een keer een lesje gekocht,' zei Jasje peinzend, 'en dat was: zie onder ogen waar je bang voor bent. Dat zei hij. "Kijk de nachtmerrie recht in de ogen."' Isabel Hoving. De gevleugelde kat (462-3)Nu waren alle woorden uitgedoofd. Hij keek recht in het hart van alles. Als hij nu bleef kijken, zou hij alles kunnen zien: hoe de wereld was, wat almacht was, wat het leven beheerste, wat je doodsangst was. En toen snapte hij het. Jericho had gelijk. Dit was niet grenzeloos. Angst maakte dat je dacht dat het grenzeloos was; onvatbaar verwoestend. Maar het was niet te groot om tegemoet te treden. Als je lang genoeg doorkeek zou je misschien je angst helemaal verliezen, jezelf oprichten, groot worden, en terugkijken. Isabel Hoving. De gevleugelde kat (464)Lucide heette hij. Hij is de boodschapper en de wachter. Op de allerbelangrijkste momenten in en om het leven komt hij naar je toe; dan zal hij je hand vasthouden, en hij zal je begeleiden op de wegen waarover geen verhalen bestaan. Isabel Hoving. De gevleugelde kat (481)Leef alsof je vandaag kunt sterven, Oorsprong onbekendEen levensgenieter denkt elke dag aan de dood. Oorsprong onbekendBomen sterven staande. Oorsprong onbekendWord wakker, liefst vòòr het tijd wordt om weer te gaan slapen! Wie niet oud wil worden, moet jong sterven. anoniemZevenmaal om de aarde te gaan, Ida GerhardtDoodgaan op je zestigste of je tachtigste is moeilijker dan op je tiende of je dertigste. E.M. Cioran GevierendeeldHet besef van de dood ligt aan de basis van elke grote kunst, van elke filosofie, van elke godsdienst. De LaenderAls je op je doel gericht blijft, Elisabeth Kübler-RossAls de dood er niet was, Elisabeth Kübler-RossSterven is niet iets om bang voor te zijn. Elisabeth Kübler-RossDe angst voor de dood P.C. RoudOok al ken ik dat sterven nog niet, Jotie T' HooftAngst voor de dood Herman van Veen![]() Texts & Poems concerning life and death![]()
Aliti, Angelika. De drang naar onsterfelijkheid: Waarom de mens de dood vreest en daarbij vergeet te leven. Baarn: Ambo, (1995). Hennezel, Marie de. De intieme dood: levenslessen van stervenden. Haarlem: Becht, 1996. Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth. De cirkel van het leven.
"Tegenslag maakt je alleen maar sterker." "Doe gewoon wat je hart je ingeeft." Levine, Stephen. Een jaar leven... alsof het je laatste is. (Utrecht:) Servire, (1997).
Afraid of Dying?
Nederlandse Vereniging van Reïncarnatietherapeuten Stervensbegeleiding, bewust sterven In Memoriam Page voor Peter Thomassen ![]() ![]() "animated.gif (c) Kitty Roach."
~ Latest update: 11 June 2011 ~ |